Why are these treats back on the market?!

I'm sure you all remember the devastation that prompted a mass recall of chicken jerky treats from China.  They were originally recalled in 2013. Mind you, this is two years after The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association started seeing illnesses and deatsh associated with the consumption of said treats!

Manufacturers of these treats are not required by U.S. law to state the country of origin for the ingredients in their products.  This is why part of our mission is not to let our pets get ill over careless production of anything that goes in or on their body.  Everything in our products is sourced responsibly and we visit our purveyors no matter how far we must travel. Our facility is routinely inspected by various regulators for quality assurance.

Ashamed to say it but Nestle brought these treats back to the market.  For more detailed insight icluding brand names of food and treats you can read Dr. Annette Heaslet's article here:


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